For your homework assignment, you are to continue your refinement of drawing with the use of accurate perspective.
Much like the in-class project, you will need to gather together a selection of boxes, at least five (hopefully more), and stack them at varying, turned degrees so that they are seen at different angles. You may also lean some boxes against one another. The purpose of this is to challenge your ability to draw correct angles, as they relate to a set of vanishing points.
I will be checking for accuracy, as far as correct perspective is concerned.
Your homework should be drawn on your larger, good drawing paper, using graphite, and NOT using a ruler for the lines. Drawing lines freehand, without the use of a ruler, is excellent practice so that one day you will not require a ruler. Besides, a little wobble also gives the drawing more character. You can, however, use the ruler to check the accuracy of your angles.
Please continue to consider how your image occupies your paper (vertically or horizontally), without wasted space.
DRAWING FOR NON-ART MAJORS: Due Thursday, October 13.

And here are two studies made with the additional use of value, which as you can see greatly enhances our understanding of space and works in tandem with perspectival rendering. This is the next stage we will headed toward-- continuing our exploration of perspective, with the addition of dealing with how light falls on objects...