Thursday, November 10, 2016

DRAWING CLASSES: Homework Assignment #9: Negative/Positive Space

For this project, you will be examining the relationship between positive and negative space.

This is intended to assist you in creating stronger compositions, by being able to see the space that is not filled with any objects (negative) as being just as crucial to your composition as the space that is filled with an object or objects (positive).

When we consider a composition, we are trying to use negative space as the means to create a stronger image by the way space can break up and organize the picture plane and can lead us into and out of the subject we are depicting. You want to not have too much "heavy" emptiness in the image, with unresolved, blank areas that do not support the image. Think about how to divide and distribute the space.

For this project, you need to arrange a small still life. You may use objects that have a mix of horizontal and vertical elements, so as to engage with the surrounding space. A potted plant is a useful object, bottles, a chair, a broom, tennis racket... combine at least three objects.

Get a sheet of bristol board.

Next, choose a composition be developing it using thumbnails. Decide whether it is to be vertical or horizontal, and consider how to best fill the entire space of your paper.

Lightly sketch the composition onto your paper.

Using your black india ink and a brush, proceed to block out and fill in all of the negative space in your composition, taking great care avoid filling in any of the positive areas.

What you are aiming for is an engaging composition with a strong and dynamic interaction between positive and negative spaces, vertical and horizontal forms.

Here are some student examples (please note that some use ink and some do not):

BEGINNING DRAWING: DUE Monday, November 28.

DRAWING FOR NON-ART MAJORS: DUE Thursday, November 17.