(1) Hold your body rigid and extend your dominant arm (usually the right arm), pencil in your hand, to its full length.
(2) Place your thumb against the pencil as a gauge (sliding it up and down or to the left or the right, depending on the unit of measurement you wish to establish).
(3)Bring the pencil on a line with your eye and the object that you are measuring.
(4) Try to find one part by which you can then measure the rest of the object. In the diagram above, the head is used as a unit of measurement to determine the length of the subject's body. This is done by aligning the tip of the pencil with the edge of the snout, and the thumb is resting on the pencil to where the head ends at the start of the neck. The tiger above is thus, six heads in length.
(5) Once you find a part to which to measure the rest of the parts of the object, you can then proceed to put in the object’s details, still using the same scale of measurement in which you established.

With the pencil and thumb measuring technique, you can even find the angle of an object, such as the house’s roof. Just hold your pencil parallel with the object (in this case the roof). Then, without changing the position or angle of your pencil, just bring it down to your paper and make a light stroke indicating the angle.

Above is a demonstration of the height of a cone being checked, while the bottom demonstrates the width of the cone being checked.
This thumb-and-pencil method of checking is easy to understand once you experiment with it. Be sure, however, that you do not change your position or distance from the model once you have started to check, since distance and position change the appearance and size of any object under study.