Tuesday, September 20, 2016


You will continue the exploration of brush and ink that we began in class.

Choose the following for your subject: 1 shoe (preferably old, and with a lot of well-worn character), 1 article of clothing, and 1 fruit or vegetable (preferable with an interesting surface structure-- and if not the surface, than an interior that can be exposed when cut open).

Arrange these three objects within a single composition. Make your thumbnails to explore the best composition within your picture plane, making full use of space. Avoid massive areas of empty space, and present your subject in a way that fills the picture plane as much as possible. Then, on a sheet of your bristol board, very lightly make a quick gestural sketch of your subject-- this should take no more than 10 minutes.

Following this, proceed to make your brush and ink drawing. Remember to explore the character of your line, as we discussed-- allowing the line to change from thick to thin or from thin to thick, as a means to lend better definition to forms. If your line remains the same throughout, your forms will lack definition.

Your lines should be a solid black, rather than a grey. Continue to practice making lines on a separate sheet of paper. Use your sumi brush, as well as your round watercolor brush. Alternate between the two depending upon your needs. Avoid lines that "hesitate," and try to achieve lines that have a flow to them, a sense of movement.


DRAWING FOR NON-ART MAJORS: DUE at the beginning of class on THURSDAY, SEPT. 29.